Selected Presentations

Keynotes & Presentations on Invitation

  1. Impact of Business Schools, AACSB Impact Conference, Baltimore, Mar. 11-13, 2018
  2. Scheitern, Lernen & Innovation, Im Kontext, Innsbruck, Mar. 7, 2018
  3. Scheitern & Innovation, Plattform für Innovationsmanagement, Vienna, Feb. 28, 2018
  4. Innovation, Scheitern & Emotionen. Innsbruck FuckUp Night, Innsbruck, Dec. 7, 2017.
  5. Innovation & Failure. Walter Kompetenz Days, Tübingen, Oct, 2017
  6. Innovation & Failure: The Basis for Building the Future. MIT Conference 2017, WKO, Wien, Mar 29-30, 2017 (slides)
  7. Measurement and Assessment of Impact of Business Schools, AACSB Impact and Assessment Conference, Phoenix (AR), Mar 12-14, 2017 (slides)
  8. Does openness matter for innovation? Brown bag lunch, WIFO, 25 Mar 2015
  9. Does openness matter for innovation? Brown bag lunch, Institut für Unternehmensführung, Universität Innsbruck, 13 Jan 2015
  10. Recruitment, knowledge integration and modes of innovation, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 7 Apr 2014 (slides)
  11. Labor mobility and Schumpeterian innovation, Schumpeter Lectures, Technical University of Perm, 20-22 Nov 2013
  12. Recruitment and industrial innovation, Brisbane Club der Evolutorischen Ökonomen, Wien, 19-21 Apr 2013
  13. Bridging the global and the local?, Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Innsbruck, 28 Mar 2012
  14. Innovation Indicators – Microeconomic View; Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Helsinki, 8 Dec 2011
  15. Öffnung des Innovationsprozesses; HK Bozen, 26 Nov 2010
  16. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development; Ostrava Business School, 7 Oct 2010
  17. MNCs Between the Local and the Global; Intertrade Ireland Innovation Conference, Dublin, 1-2 Jul 2010
  18. Open Innovation; Swarovski, Wattens, 26 Jan 2010
  19. Finanzierung von Innovationen; Financial Times Deutschland, Kreative Zerstörer, Potsdam 2 Jul 2009
  20. Drei Thesen zum Innovationssystem Keynote; Österreichischer Start-Up-Day, 8 Jun 2009 Innsbruck
  21. Sekundäranalyse von Evaluierungen, Evaluierungen vergleichbar machen; Evaluationstag, Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung, 23 Mar 2009
  22. Analyzing open innovation strategies; InnoViews Workshop, European Commission, DG Research, 26-27 Feb 2009
  23. Technological Competencies and Variety, Innovation in Complex Social Systems; University College Dublin, 9-11 Dec 2008
  24. Empirical Analysis of Economic Diversity; Japanese German Frontiers of Science Symposion org. AvH and JSPS, Kanagawa, 1- 5 Nov 2007
  25. Antecedents of Radicalness; WIFO, Vienna, Austria, 27 Jun 2007
  26. Cross-Country Econometric Analysis Using CIS Data; CEIES Workshop Innovation Indicators  – Aarhus, 5 Feb 2007
  27. Econometric Analysis of Innovation Surveys; OECD, Paris, 15 Nov 2006
  28. Industrial Effects of Public R&D Programs; International Seminar on R&D Program Evaluation, Taipei, 31 Aug 2006
  29. Innovation in Services – Evidence from the German CIS 4; Trendchart Workshop, Innovation in Services, Porvoo, 19 Jun 2006
  30. Effects of Public R&D Funding; International R&D Evaluation Symposium, Seoul, 31 May 2005



Conference Presentations

  1. How Robust are the Results? A Bayesian Averaging Approach for Tackling Replication and Model Uncertainty in Research on Inbound Open Innovation, Open and User Innovation Conference, Innsbruck, 10-12 July 2016 (slides)
  2. How Robust are the Results? A Bayesian Averaging Approach for Tackling Replication and Model Uncertainty in Research on Inbound Open Innovation, J. A. Schumpeter Conference, Montreal, 4-6 July 2016
  3. Crowdfunding heals failures in the innovation system, EU-SPRI Conference, Helsinki, 9-11 June 2015 (slides)
  4. Knowledge Intensive Services, Urban Location and Innovation, International Joseph A. Schumpeter Conference, Jena, 27-30 Jul 2014 (slides)
  5. On the role of multinational enterprises in facilitating innovation collaboration abroad, Conference in Memory of Lennart Hjalmarsson, Gothenburg, 7-8 Dez 2012 (slides)
  6. The impacts of urban location on the involvement of knowledge-intensive services in innovation collaboration, European Regional Sci. Association, Bratislava, 23 Aug 2012
  7. Bridging the global and the local? Multinational enterprises, labor market mobility and localized learning, Internationale Schumpeter Konferenz, Brisbane, 3 Jul 2012
  8. Do direct R&D subsidies lead to the monopolization of R&D in the economy? EARIE 2011, Stockholm, 1-3 Sep 2011
  9. Open Innovation, SMEs and Innovation Policy; Open and User Innovation Conference, Vienna, 4-6 Jul 2011
  10. Product Innovation and the Complementarities of External Linkages; Joseph A. Schumpeter Conference 2010, Aalborg, 21-24 Jun 2010
  11. Internationalization of the German Public Research Organizations; Innovation Policy Conference, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, 1-3 Okt 2009
  12. Analysis of Open Innovation Practices; Advanced R&D Management Workshop, Linköping, 15-16 Sep 2008
  13. Origins of Radical Innovations; International Schumpeter Conference 2006, Sophi Antipolis, 23 Jun 2006
  14. Foreign production and technological competencies at home; International ProACT conf., Innovation Pressure, Tampere, 16 Mär 2006Globalisation and
  15. National Innovation Systems: Empirical Trends and Policy Challenges; TAFTIE workshop, Berlin, 23 Nov 2005
  16. Does input additionality lead to output additionality? TAFTIE work-shop at Tekes, Helsinki, 11 Okt 2005
  17. Foreign Ownership of Companies in Small Open Economies; Globali-zation of R&D Workshop, Wien, 24 Mai 2005
  18. The Origin of Innovations; EMAEE Conference, Utrecht 19 Mai 2005
  19. The Effect of public R&D funding on Acquisition and Exit; International Schumpeter Conference 2004, Milan, 11 Jun 2004
  20. Impact of Public R&D Subsidies: A Comparison between Germany and Finland; Internat. Industrial Org. Conf., Chicago, 23 Apr 2004
  21. The Impact of Public Subsidies for R&D on Labor Demand; K. Pavitt Memorial Conference, Brighton, 13-15 Nov 2003
  22. Why do Firms Cooperate for Innovation? EMAEE Conference 2003, Augsburg 10-12 Apr 2003

Selected Panels & Facilitation

  1. Online education. Challenges and business models. AACSB ICAM, Houston, 24 Apr 2017
  2. The two sides of brain circulation – international and inter-sectoral Mobility, Wien, 5 Feb 2015
  3. Ökosoziale Marktwirtschaft, 1. Innsbrucker Hochschultage, Inns-bruck, 3-5 Jul 2014
  4. PRME Conference, founding of the PRME DACH Chapter, Innsbruck, 20-21 Feb 2014
  5. Eine neue Kultur für Investitionen in Innovation, Europäisches Forum Alpbach, 20 Aug 2013
  6. Creating Shared Value and Business Ethics, Workshop, Innsbruck, 16 Jul 2013
  7. Social Innovation, Zukunftsforum Holz, Alpbach, 20-21 Jan 2011